Well, I had a great little trip into the U S of A on the weekend. Me and my BFF went over Friday and did some Target shopping and Olive Gardening that night. Then Saturday we hit numerous stores, Joann’s included, and did some epic thrifting.
I learned a few things about the thrift stores in the states – the prices are insanely cheap, things aren’t marked super high prices just because it’s got a brand name and the AS IS section at the Salvation Army is a bizarre and magical building. I’ll have to post my finds and adventures in more detail. Right now I wanted to share Red Boot Barn, where some of the Wednesday night with my best friend finds are ending up.
Lovely little gems like these,

Look at the blue of this bag! It’s amazing. I found one very similar on Saturday, a slightly different blue, for $2.95. I repeat $2.95! Insanity.

This bundt pan is great too. Again, an awesome colour. It would be a great kitchen decoration, or one of those handing lights that people seem to be turning pans into lately.

This luggage is great too. We saw a bunch of similar items while thrifting in the US, sadly it’s so tricky to find interiors worthy of actually picking up luggage either for resale or to use.
Now I’m inspired to share my finds from the weekend. I hope tomorrow is a sunny photo worthy day.