I got a really sweet email this morning. A lovely lady named Sara read my blog for the first time and was really struck by my post about my Mom. She wanted to reach out and send me happy thoughts and sunshine from Mexico, it was very lovely.
I see my Mom every other day sort of thing. We play cards, hang out, I help her with her laundry and such. She’s still at the hospital waiting for a place in an assisted living sort of thing. It’ll be nice when she has her placement as it’s nearer to my house and practically on the same street at my school. I’ll be able to go have lunch with her and easily have quick visits.

Everyday I am thankful that we have more time together and grateful for the recovery she has made. We nearly lost her. She still can’t speak but you’d be surprised how irrelevant that can seem, at most times! Of course there’s still some frustration for her, and me when I feel lost and can’t help, but we have each other and that’s good enough for me.
I’ve been so busy lately and dealing with such big issues (ankle break, my Mom, return to work, trying to divorce settle) that it’s been hard to even create let alone write about it here. I find it’s easy to just do quick things on my Instagram or Facebook Page instead. I think a lot of creative people are migrating this way.
Oh and smaller than the big issues I had a really crummy start to 2017 and was battling many ever changing plagues. It finally settling into pink eye last week, which left me at home contageous for a few days. Not fun.

Now it’s report card time so I’m busy with actual work work when we’re not renovating that is!

Currently we’re in the process of renovating the basement to make a bedroom for me and my wonderful man. However, that’s also where my craft space is so it’s a bit out of order right now. We had the kids help since we’re shuffling bedrooms and adding people to the house we thought it would be better to involve them.

We started letting them go nuts smashing the wall (which would have been easier to just cut into large pieces but demolition is funner) and I figured safety glasses should have been a thing. This was my son’s idea for makeshift ‘safety glasses’.

My sewing machine is under there. And my supplies are all over the place covered in various tarps and sheets. Dry walling is messy!

In fun news, remember when I joined roller derby?! I was all wobbily and Bambi-esque and such? Scared, unable to really skate and working so hard!? Well now I’m Captain of my team!!! Well it’s a role for two so we’re Co-Captains but still! It’s so amazing. It makes me use many exclamation marks.

This is from last year’s team photo shoot, it was my first time on skates since my break and without gear! It was a little weird, we so seldom skate without being fully geared up and I was a touch hesitant but all was good. Luckily, I broke my ankle at temporary practice facility we were using last year so I think that really helps with my mental state too while I’m back at it. I might be traumatized passing The Spot.