Woohoo!!! A big giant thank you to all the lovely people who popped over to my blog and left a lovely comment. I even got a few sweet emails as well.
So for my cup cozie giveaway the lucky winner is Bryanna!

For a 10 ounce bag of new to you fabric scraps the winner is Meredith!

And because I have a huge bin of fabric scraps and why not share the love I decided to choose a second winner, so congrats also goes out to Heather!

Emails coming in a few moments ladies.
I’m also being totally lazy and skipping on sharing my Create Along for this week, things have been so busy at work and home. I did not have time to crochet up those adorable slippers. However, we are going away for a week over the holidays and I just might take that project with me since it’s more portable than my sewing machine!
But for the next week I’m going to choose something pretty easy since we’re all busy and I’ll be going crazy with a Nate’s turning 3 party to organize, Christmas to organize and a trip to get ready for! Let’s make one of these handy pincushions. The PDF won’t let me steal an image to put here but click on over and see what it looks like and if you can squeeze it into your busy week play along with me!