Is it still environmentally friendly or recycling if you go buy the juice pouches specifically for the craft?

My son drinks apple juice, which we water down about 80%. He doesn’t need more sugar and he’s a bit of a drink snob and won’t drink anything else, especially water. I won’t let him drink Kook-aid, I don’t need the hyper aftermath, but I do need these juice pouches!!!! Maybe I can buy the neighbours’ kids some, supply them with free drink as long as they harvest the garbage for me.
Today I found one in a vending machine I used, so I brought it home to wash out and add to my collection that was drying on the counter. Wesley got one while Trick-or-Treating, which I poured down the sink and washed the pouch. I’ve got my cousin on collection duty, her son takes them in his lunch. Once I return to work back in the classroom I’m sure I’ll be able to snag some more to bring home. I’m dying to try making a lunch bag with them, I’ve found tutorials for the bags/purses and it’s all simple enough, but first I need to keep collecting!