Well I finished this tote and I really love it. This is the first project I’ve made from my ever growing Pinterest board and I’m thankful to Michelle Patterns for presenting me with this challenge. I may be addicted. I picked the fabric up for $3 a metre at a quilting shop and I loved the vintage look of it. As a tote it’s turned out great!

I used this free pattern from UHandbags. The recommended handles are longer than the ones I used but I grabbed what I had on hand. It won’t go on my shoulder but it’s great to carry down at your side.

The pattern was pretty easy to follow but man, oh man, I’m not a fan of pleats! Also, I’m not sure what I did wrong, there were supposed to be 6 pleats and somehow I had room for 7 *shrug* But that doesn’t change the bag. However, that meant 7 pleats times 4 pieces of fabric, it was tedious. I do love the way the topstitching works and holds the pleats down. I’ve put pleats in totes before but they’ve only been sewn at the top.

Sewing the handles on was killer on my fingers, going through all those layers and trying to aim for the holes. I also tried to keep the interior stitches really, really small since I matched the thread to the handle colour but foolishly used black for the interior fabric.

Every time I make something new I take it into school to show some of the ladies I work with. The tote was well received. And then a bunch of them asked if I’m done the projects I’m working on for them. Good thing the weekend is coming!
See the other Pinterest Challenge participants here.