I have to admit I feel rather lame using that title for this post but there are no other letters or words that can express the excitement I feel after today! The other day my cousin called. She’s been helping our friend clean up after his wife just up and left rather suddenly taking only a few things with her. She called to tell me there was ‘a lot of fabric and craft supplies’. She offered to pack it up and bring it over in boxes but I figured I’d like to visit, see the house, take the kids somewhere new and said I would drive out on my next day off. I was told to make sure the back of the van was empty.

When we got there and I followed her into the basement I could not believe my eyes! I’m kicking myself now for not taking my camera. There were 5 or 6 bookshelves, those wobbily simple pine ones, lining the walls of the ‘sewing room’ and the shelves were covered in folded up pieces of fabric!! Denim, silky stuff, corduroy, flannel . . . everything! On the floor there were boxes and bins of fabric, patterns, yarn, gimp . . . it was only a few hours ago but I honestly can’t even remember it all it was sooo much. She told me to take whatever I wanted. Organizing is a passion of hers, as is cleaning, so she’s been really busy over there. Apparently this lady could have been on that hoarders show, it was insane the amount of stuff there. We set to work while my kids played with new to them toys in a nice big house.

Here’s a peak at some of the things that came home with me today. There’s still more waiting for me back there, I thought I’d slowly bring it into the house to avoid sending my hubby into shock. There was soft and cuddily minky fabrics for my taggie blankies, I brought home a basket full, more in a box and there’s a big garbage bag full still waiting to come home with me. We found patterns for Cabbage Patch clothes and Sailor Moon costumes. As well as patterns to make your own Love A Lot Carebear or Popples! We came across the Popple fabric and other than remembering my cousin had the ‘white one’ we could not remember what they were called. The closest we got was they had something to do with ‘pop’. Luckily we later found the pattern which solved the mystery and spared us having to Google it. The back of the package names the Popples as Puzzle, Puffball and Prize. No clue which is which.
I also grabbed some baskets to use at the craft show I’m going to in May. There’s still a ton more there and I promised to return with a friend who would appreciate the chance at free fabric. It was a great fun day with my cuz and I came home with many treasures!