I’m not sure why, but I keep taking my ipad to work. I don’t have time to even look at it while I’m there, and we can’t use the wifi so it’s basically just a fun toy to look at. I suppose we’re still in that early honeymoon lovey dovey stage of our relationship.
I was just tossing it in my ‘teacher bag’ and figured I needed to protect it a little bit more, especially from the freezing cold! So I whipped this up last night.

Making this was really easy, I just laid out fabric and cut it a tad larger than the ipad and went from there. The hardest part was deciding what print to use!! I went with this one because it’s a super fun design and also it’s a canvas so it’s a little bit thicker than just plain cotton. I might add some red rick rack trim alone the top, haven’t decided yet.