If you’ve been sewing for any amount of time you’ve already noticed how quickly scraps can accumulate. If you’re anything like me, afraid to throw any little bit out in case you can use it later, you have a bunch lying around of various shapes and sizes. Soooooooo I thought why not share the scrap love and do a little scrap swapping!?

Recently I went through my scraps and sort of organzed them into little piles. I’ve been saving 4×4 inch japanese fabric scraps, well and to be honest I’ve ordered some from Etsy here and there, in hopes I can make a fun quilt some day. I also spent some time cutting my scraps into 2×2 squares for some projects I have in mind. I plan on featuring some fun tutorials to help you make use of your scraps, as well as link to some of the ideas already out there and maybe, just maybe, a source of two in case you have a little scrap collecting problem like someone I know.

If you would like to participate just sign up here, I’ll keep taking names until Wednesday January 26th. Then I’ll spend some time matching us all up while you prepare your bundle. Make sure your correct email is in the comment, or enter it with your name when you say you want in. Also, it might be fun to know where you live so we can mix things up a bit. Probably won’t be too exciting if someone is matched with an almost neighbour, just in case you shop at the same fabric store! Be ready to commit to shipping your scrap bundle by the end of the month, we’ll go with the 31st just to make it easy. This will be open to everyone everywhere so please let me know if you object to international shipping and I’ll match you with someone in your country.
Ok, so the guidlines:
– scraps must measure at least 2 inches by 2 inches, there is no maximum size but it is supposed to help you destash your scrap bin so sending fat quarters probably won’t help with that.
– scraps must be unwashed, clean, and in usable condition
– scraps can be new fabric or vintage reclaimed pieces
– fabrics should be of relatively the same weight, cottons/linens/light canvas so allow for quilting and use in the same project
– send 10-ish ounces to your partner mailed by January 31st