Somehow I’m getting stuffed up again. It’s so not cool. We all just got over some hideous cold. I don’t want a new one. I saw this printable linked and had a great idea for it. It’s from yoursecretadmiral and she’s a superstar for sharing such a fun little printable.

I wanted to make something to help me plan lunches during the week. I teach in the afternoons, which at my school start at 12:25, but I have a 10 minute yard duty everyday from 12:15-12:25. So I have to start lunch for me and the boys at about 11, especially with all the winter gear. If we go out in the world to do something in the mornings I’m usually rushing to get a lunch ready and I’m lucky if I get to eat before we have to run out the door and across the street to the sitter. I *hate* feeding them quick convenience food and really make an effort to prepare from scratch.

I printed out the file, cut the days apart and laminated them. I have the cute little “My lists” house set aside for a notebook or something, I didn’t laminate it. Then I cut pieces from a roll of magnetic tape and attached a little bit to the back of each day. Then you have little magnets that are also write off/wipe off boards!

You could put them on your fridge or anywhere else magnetable. These are on one of the handiest things in our kitchen, that isn’t used for cooking. I’m a tad embarassed to show the inside but it’s such a wonderful little thing I’m going to share. Magnetic front, builiten board back and storage compartment, all in one handy good looking thing!