So I decided, in the spirit of dinosaurs to make Nate a Steggie from One Yard Wonders. So I set to it tonight. I learned I’m not too good at following a pattern, and when I didn’t know what the instructions meant about making a dart I probably should have Googled it after all. So our poor little Steggie needs some tweaking tomorrow but he’s still going to be a cutie.

There’s been a lot of talk on my online course about how people work, and manage their time. With 2 little ones at home, and a job it’s been challenging for me to maintain a blog and start an Etsy store. Now I’ve also added a craft show in May so the pressure’s on. When I started my blog to help me be creative I hadn’t returned to work yet so it was a bit easier with the extra free time. However, it did set a sort of standard for crafting and now I try really hard to keep up the pace with posting and creating. That said, here’s my new system. I escape downstairs, either while the kids are sleeping, hubby watches them or after they go to bed and I load something to watch up on my desktop computer, put on my headphones (which allow me to hear over the noise of the sewing machine) and get to work! Yesterday my husband watched the kids a whole bunch, hence my productiveness, and the headphones help block out the sound of the kids which would either distract me or annoy me. Ignore the mess, and the glare from the OttLight but here’s what it looked like when I left just now. (That’s deflated Steggie lying next to the book)