Category Archives: sewing

My new iPad cover.

I’ve had this idea for ages and finally had everything to make it. It’s so fun and I’m debating making it a PDF pattern, once I learn how to do that.

Joanna and I had a great time brainstorming a crafty address for the envelope.

The air mail ribbon is available a few places on Etsy and I ordered some fabric covered in stamp images and cut out some fun ones.

Miss me?

In my haste to get ready for my table today I didn’t post my Create Along, silly me.
But it’s probably a good thing because I’m not done my Cozy Blue creation anyway. I plan on working away on it while I sit today.

So reveal to come soon and here’s a fun quick tutorial for our next project. It’s from Noodlehead and I’ve had this page open in a tab for a while and my kids caught sight of it so now I’ve been nudged to making some.

Plus I’ve got loads of fun vehicle themed Japanese fabric lying around. Yeah, I have a problem.

Friday Create Along

Here’s my awesome little phone cozies! I made the owl one according to the pattern but my iPhone 3 has a case (after I smashed it at school last year) so it’s a little thicker than it should be. I made the button fabric one to fit my phone.

Next I want to try these fun little macaron coin purses.

**UPDATE** I got my snaps at this great store. The colours are amazing and the selection is fantastic! I was really happy with them. I

Are two shops better than one?

I sort of fell into making my cup cozies. I love doing it, they’re silly and fun and I love making people laugh but I also like to make other things. I’ve got this growing stash of adorable fabrics and a hunger to try tons of patterns. I learn a little tip or trick with each one and I love trying something new. As a result I have a bunch of great coin purses, clutches, bags, various cozies and other things lying around.

When I added some of those things to my shop they just sit there. They get views, people <3 them but I never had anyone bite. I think selling bags or purses on Etsy is super tricky. There are so many people with awesome designs or awesome fabrics or awesomely designed bags made with awesome fabrics.

So instead I sell them in person. Initially I wanted an item I could sell in the cup cozy ‘off season’ so I could sit at craft tables in nice weather and meet other creative types. The funny part is many of the people in person fall in love with all my fabrics and accessories and usually ask me what the cup cozies are.

So does anyone juggle 2 online shops? Do they sell similar items? I feel like I’ve got dual personalities with such different items on the go. How do you drive traffic to your other shop?

For now I’ll just stick with my current system but I wanted to ponder out loud. Thanks for listening.

Glad I bought it!

I certainly don’t need another craft book, but I’m sure glad I picked this one up.

It’s by Sue Kim and I didn’t even connect that she’s the lady behind I Think Sew, and I certainly didn’t know she lives in Toronto just minutes from me!

See all those cute stickies flagging pages? Yeah, I want to make all those. I’ve got a bag problem . . and a sewing problem . . . *sigh*

I also picked up this one to add to my collection of fabric printing books. Hopefully I’ll get to spend some time reading them someday. I’m dying to get into making my own fabrics.

Friday Create Along

Here are some reveals.

Wipe container letters and numbers? Ta da!

Lavender sachets? Ta da!

Crocheted slippers? . . . pass for now.

Up next this cute little phone pouch pattern available from Nap Kitten. I assure you this pattern is much easier than her wallet, ailment which kicked off this Create Along adventure.

I won!

I’m still a tad in shock. I’m not one for running all over and entering giveaways, unless it’s something I really like. Sometimes I’m just so behind in my RSS I miss the fun all together. Well this time, let me tell you, I’m super glad I went and entered because I won!!!

What did I win you may be asking . . . I can barely bring my self to type it I’m so thrilled, an embroidery hoop masterpiece from Lucky Jackson!!!!!

And I get an email saying go to the shop and pick one. Pick one. Seriously, how!?

Lookit these things? They’re fantastic.

People wonder how I have time to create so many things, I’m following patterns, or making 10 at a time, or spending 1 day madly crafting and not touching it again for a week. This lady makes one of these things every single day. I’m amazed. And then she says “how weird is it you won and I’m a fan of your blog?!” I love the handmade community.

You can see the works so far here in this Flickr pool.

I’ve been making hexies.

Like a lot.

They’re ridiculously addictive.

I was inspired by Rachel’s hexie kit I stumbled upon while Googling hexies and sort of put one of my own together. I thought I had a punch but it appears I have every shape but a hexagon, it figures.

The pouch houses all my hexie worthy scraps, scissors, thread and the paper pieces. Then I keep my other scissors (why two? who knows) in the other container and plunk the finished hexies in there. I had a bunch that I’ve already sewn together but they’ve already moved down to my production area (aka corner of the basement).

Friday Create Along

Well once again I have slightly deviated during the following of a pattern, it’s how I roll. I had a great time making this great convertable clutch from LBG Studios! I hope someone played along too. I couldn’t decide between 2 fabric prints so I actually cut out the pieces for 2 clutches but only got to sewing the one together.

I planned on taking photos of it since yesterday was a nice sunny day and of course my camera batteries were dead. Today was a snow stormy blizzard filled afternoon so my pictures are so-so. I used this great seahorse fabric I stumbled upon a little while ago. It was probably something Keyka Lou mentioned on her blog and I ran off to buy it.

Here’s the little addition I made, I added D rings inside to allow for a stap. I’m not much of a purse kinda gal but I love totes and bags, especially if they can be worn cross body. Now I have the option of using this as a tote with a cross body strap.

Next up let’s try this wipe container repurposing into a fun game for kids. I’m going to make one with letters on it for my classroom. I’ve also got a fun idea for a numbers one too, we’ll see if I get that far. I’m excited about this one because it will be a chance to use up some scraps and also to get my Cricut out for some more fun.

Why I sew all sorts of things.

I like to try different things with sewing, I find I learn something. Sometimes it’s a big Ah Ha moment other times it’s just a neat little trick. I picked up this panel of fabric at Fabricland for something ridiculous like $4 a few months ago. My aunt is a big Elvis fan so I figured I’d make it for her. When I sat down to sew it I figured it was a no-brainer, cut and sew.

*Ignore the cat chasing a ball of paper and the big garbage bag in the background.

It was really simple but they used this neat way of boxing the bottom corners of the bag but folding the bottom all accordion like before stitching it. So I learned something new. Plus my aunt was all happy.