Category Archives: sewing

Friday Create Along

Well a slight wrench was thrown into my Create Along plans for last week, in the form of salmonella poisoning. I’m still a bit grumpy that I sort of wasted a lovely 4 day weekend by battling illness.

Just a reminder I’m creating one ofthese using one of NapKitten‘s great patterns. It’s all cut out and in progress!

Soooo I’m a little too behind for a reveal. But I’ll forge ahead anyhow and launch into the next project all willy nilly!

I’d like to tackle this padded camera pouch from Keyka Lou. As a bonus all her patterns are on sale right now, to celebrate her 4 year anniversary as a pattern maker and seller. Congrats Michelle!

Designing, making and selling patterns is something I’m really interested in. I’ve got some things to learn first but I’m heading in the right direction by sewing up anything I can think of!

DIY Spring door decor

I took our little snowman decoration down a while back, since we had a pathetic amount of snow this year, and realized over the weekend our door looked bare. Thinking of spring I put together this cute scrappy little door decor.

I gathered up some fabric scraps, fleece scraps, and some baker’s twine. I reused the dowel hangy thing from a pennant someone had made me year’s ago for my classroom door. It had my maiden name on it so I cut it off and kept the wood bit around knowing I’d find a way to use it.

I chose cool coloured fabrics and made sure the fleece was blue as well. I wanted it to look a little unfinished at times. I cut 2 pieces of fabric for each raindrop and 1 piece of fleece. Sandwiched them together and zig zag stitched the baker’s twine in place on each raindrop with my sewing machine.

It’s really pretty hanging on the door and it’s fun when the wind gently blows the raindrops around a bit.

NYC loot

Cute notebooks, far too much washi tape, amazing fabrics and some silly cards.

This KOKKA fabric was $20/yard but I was smitten. I picked up 2 yards. No project in mind but I’ll find one I’m sure. Most likely a bag or tote . . . who am I kidding? I’ll make a bag or tote.

Friday Create Along

Well it’s sort of half a Create Along really since I have no reveal. This week I’m just announcing the next project. In honour of having NapKitten Patterns here as a sponsor this month I’d like to take this opportunity to tackle another one of her patterns.

I’m going to attempt this Cute Hamburger. Previously I’ve made the wallet (in my first Create Along!) and the iPhone sleeve, here’s my version.

I love the fabrics she uses and the whole Japanese inspired design of her patterns. Hope you’ll join me!

My weekend in Instagrams

I was extensively using the map apps on my phone and it kept dying while I was wandering NYC. Here are some of the photos I snapped over the weekend.

What I thought was the Brooklyn Bridge, but it’s actually the Manhattan Bridge. DUMBO = Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass. What do I know, I’m Canadian!

Where the magic happens.

We walked a little bit from the Etsy offices to eat in this great ‘event space‘ the photo doesn’t do it justice, it was beautiful. It sort of hurts my brain that this place is in business because it sits there empty, but it was quite lovely. All brick and unfinished ceilings with pipes and such and it over looked a cute little patio/park area.

The trees were already budding, that’s not happening here at home yet, and it was really pretty in Red Hook Brooklyn where I was staying. Even with the drizzley rain.

Fun fabrics at the Brooklyn General Store. It was awesome in there, the displays were great and the fabric selections were super fun. I didn’t take many pictures in there, I didn’t want to be that camera yielding weirdo.

Hoop art wall at Purl Soho. Luckily for my wallet, they seemed to have loads of yarn and I was able to resist what fabric they did have. Some really lovely stuff though, and some great kits and scrap packs.

I was in awe in Kinokuniya the Japanese book store. I literally parked myself on the floor in the kid’s section and looked at a pile of sewing books and tried to narrow it down. I headed to the cash with 2 choices but then realized they have magazines upstairs. But I resisted.

I snuck in some clothes shopping for myself, I got this cute collared shirt at Forever 21 since we don’t have that store in Canada. I also hit Old Navy, and got teased by my hubby for it since we have one moments away from our house, but $5 t-shirts how could I resist those deals!

I’m still recovering from the 13 or so hours of walking I did on Saturday, I honestly did not stop. I promise to share some of the great things I learned, more stories and new people I met.

Friday Create Along

Now in the interest of being totally honest, I have to tell you I’m usually finishing my projects on Thursday nights. Which is ok with me, but usually leaves me scrambling for photos the next day! This week I was done my project on Saturday. Yes Saturday. Probably because it involved cracking open my copy of Zakka Style by this lovely lady and I couldn’t wait to get sewing.

I actually even made 2 kits since I’m involved in a handmade swap right now and I enjoyed the project a lot.

I hope she likes it! Anyone know where you can get awesome pins like those?! I can’t find any fun pins anywhere. These ones were gifts from Amy during the swaps where we happened to get each other, it’s happened twice.

Since I’m so busy this weekend, being away and all, I’m not going to choose a project for next week. I proclaim it a Create Along vacation. I’m allowed, it’s my blog.

Zakka Style Sew Along

If you have a copy of Zakka Style and are interested in a sew along there’s one going on over here. I’ll kinda sorta play along, I’m a free spirit and like to jump around and not follow directions exactly.

Sometimes . . .

when I’m buried in larger projects and I just want to make something fun start to finish I do just that.
The other day was one of those days, so I made these.

Technically I suppose Chewie should me much, much taller than R2 but hey, fingers only vary in size a teeny bit.

Friday Create along

Here are the two Tooth Fairy envelopes I made from this tutorial.

Wesley’s already lost 1 tooth and has another that’s super loose. Nate’s still a while from losing teeth but I wasn’t going to leave him out. Plus I love their faces when they wake up to discover I’ve handmade them something.

Next I’m going to try another project from Zakka Style. This time the sewing kit on page 22. It’s also pictured on the cover.

Mollie Makes and Keyka Lou – some of my favourite ladies

Have you seen/read/held/drooled over an issue of Mollie Makes yet? I can’t even begin to tell you how great this magazine is! I have a digital subscription and the instant it arrives I plunge in. Sometimes I wish I had a physical copy to cut up and fill my space with inspiration, and then I think I couldn’t bear to cut it up. Great articles, fantastic photos and I always leave with a list of things to see/do. Here’s the little keyring from issue 11 I made. Once again, I changed things up a bit, but I assure you it started with their pattern. You can find the templates for each issue at their site.

Secondly, my favourite pattern maker has created a new camera pouch pattern and it’s really neat. It’s a super padded camera pouch in 4 different sizes that you can make following her quick and easy sewing pattern.

Frankie and tea.

I had a silly idea the other day and decided to execute it. Here’s the result.

It’s super silly, but so adorably funny too! Yes, he wraps all the way around.

I also made this one, someone requested a custom order before the holidays for a cozy like this and I thought it would make a good tea drinker’s cozy.

The only thing is, and I’m not sure if this is just spending too long knowing Mollie, but I’m really leaning towards putting a cute little face on that tea cup. Opinions?