Category Archives: sewing

Freckled Nest pin cushion swap!

Sometimes I don’t get to my RSS feed in time and miss a giveaway or some other timed event, which almost happened with Leigh-Ann’s Pin Cushion DIY and Swap. Luckily I got there just in time and now I get to be part of this super cool little craft making and gift giving extravaganza!

Today I had a few minutes, that’s really all it takes, to whip up a pin cushion using her tutorial. The awesome thing about it is you need very little fabric and it’s a great way to use up some scraps if you so choose.

I pulled together some squares of fabric I liked and started sewing.   It was super easy and ironing between each step really helped flatten it out and make it look professional (sometimes I get lazy with that step).

It didn’t take long to have it big enough for the square, I put a black piece of fabric on the back and choose a but pink button for the front and a cute blue one for the back.  I had to get a little creative with sewing the hole closed, I wasn’t happy with my first attempt.  I think I’m going to go make another one and then decide which one I mail off to my partner!

Moda – yet another crafty addiction

Ok, shopping online is way to easy and fun.  You can find things you wouldn’t be able to get otherwise and then one day you check the mail and SURPRISE! you’ve got a little present waiting for you!  Too cool.  This week I got some fabric in the mail (not the first time that’s happened) for this child’s activity bag project. I thought it would be nice to make a little tote bag for the boys with some fun activities in it that we can . . . tote around with us. So off to ebay I went to order what I needed, and a few days later it arrived!

I’m still dying to make this stripey table runner but I’m having a terrible time finding a 1 Figgy Pudding Honey Bun and a 1 Moda White Jelly Roll. But guess there’s lots of time before Christmas.

I finally got the fabric I needed for my Valentine themed craft. I’m hoping to get it finished over the weekend, but here’s a little glimpse of the felt embroidered pieces that I’ve already finished.

Quote pillow project, complete with soppy story.

Finished my Style School pillow assignment today.  I was kid free for a bit and was able to get some crafting done, and some laundry!

I used some of my Timeless Treasures fabric, finally.  I’ve had a little plastic bag of fat quarters sitting around and decided to use one up.  I almost put the owl fabric on the back but decided to just use a plain brown fabric to match our duvet.  I sewed the doily onto the fabric around the outside and near the middle.  Then I embroidered the words curving around it.

Here and there the letters dip down and are stitched through the doily.  I figured it would help hold it down and I liked the un-perfectness of it. The words are from a Dave Matthews song, “Oh“. I embroidered them in a dark plum colour, the photos don’t really capture it as nicely as it looks in person. The line is from the chorus, “I love you oh so well like a kid loves candy and fresh snow”.

I also added a bit of a finish to the edge just to make it a little bit fancier and different than my “Sew in love” pillow since they’re both going on our bed.

Soppy story alert!
When I met my husband we lived about 2 hours away from each other. He burned me some music CDs, Dave Matthews being one of them. We met in March and spent every weekend together for about 3 months, then he got the news he had to move for his job, putting us about 4 hours away from each other. I distinctly remember sitting on the creaky fire escape like steps up to his little apartment on a warm night, staring at the stars and listening to Dave Matthews while I , ever the worrier, asked over and over “what are we going to do?” A month later I was with him in his new apartment while I looked for my own. I never got one. 6 months later we were engaged. Here we are now, coming up on married for 5 years. We danced to “Oh” at our wedding and it’s a cute soppy song.  Every time I hear it I smile and my heart gets all warm and fuzzy.

Notebook cover complete!

I had a hard time with this Style School project.  Maybe because I was tired, maybe because I was sewing stupid last night, but I could not make sense of the tutorial at all!  So I decided to just do my own thing and create the cover.  Well that failed miserably because I’d sew something and be wrong and have to stitch rip it.  Or I’d get to the end and realise I hemmed too much and didn’t leave enough material, i sewed it all together and put the buttons on last because it was too much thought about placement so it was really finicky with the pen spots there to sew the buttons . . . the list goes on.

However, I suppose it wasn’t all that bad since I did finish it today and I love it, so all was not lost.

Style school project 10? And I didn’t even know!

So I was so busy finishing my pillow last night and blogging about it that I ran off to bed later than I meant to.  Today I wander over to check what the Style School assignment for yesterday was and lo and behold it was the favourite quote pillow!  So while this isn’t really a ‘favourite quote’  it’s still pretty darn cute, a quote and finished on the day a pillow was assigned!

I think I’m going to make a few more to go on our bed with this one.  I’m going to scour song lyrics and other inside jokes and use those, things that mean something to us or is an inside joke only we will get.  Can’t wait to have a few all prettily placed on our bed!

Handkerchief pillow tutorial. Complete with cute embroidery!

My friend gave me a few handkerchiefs her Grandmother had lying around figuring I could make something with them.  I had the idea to make them into little throw pillows for my bed.  I was going to make her one and give it to her, but I’ve already given her a pillow I made so I figured I’d be keeping it.  Then I realized one of the prints would be perfect for embroidering a little something right in the middle.

Perhaps a heart with our names in it?  So I cut out a heart and was just about to trace it when I remembered the awesomeness I had just ordered from Peptogirl!

I flipped through the patterns and found one I liked and I took the liberty of making a slight adjustment.

Here’s how I made the pillow:

First I cut a piece of plain unbleached cotton fabric a little bit larger than the hanky. Then I ironed the two pieces so they’d be nice and flat. In hindsight I should have cut the cotton a bit bigger, I ended up losing the border when I squared it up before putting the backing on.

Next, in a very high tech. transferring process, I freehandedly copied the ‘sew in love’ pattern onto the hanky, adding my own little touch.

Then it was onto embroidering before a repeat ironing performance. I just put the hanky and fabric in a hoop together and stitched my design. When I took it out the stitching was through both layers holding it together.

So off to my machine I went where I stiched around the edge of the hanky, I went on top of the hem stitching with the same colour so it wouldn’t show.

While doing that I hit a pin!! Never in all my time sewing have I actually hit the pin. CLUNK! went the machine, and I totally expected the pin to have snapped and tried to pull it out, but nope! It was just bent like crazy! Everything seemed fine so I just took it out and kept going.

Then I chose some fabric for the back, our duvet cover is brown so I was going for something that would make this a nice little pillow to toss on our bed. I squared up the edges around the hanky and then I laid down the front, right sides facing, to see how big it was and cut a piece for the back.

Then I pinned it together, with the pins waaaaay inside to make sure I didn’t hit one again, and sewed around with a 1/4 inch seam.
In retrospect the hole I left for turning and stuffing seemed a tad too small but I got it. When I went back to my bag of stuffing to grab some more I found this peaking out.

I was so excited, a stuffing tool?! Wow. Was stuffing going to be easier?! Why hadn’t I found one in my last bag of stuffing?! Then I opened it and realised it’s really just a chopstick and I could have gotten one of those from the kitchen. My hands worked just fine.

Stitched the stuffing hole closed and ta da! A cute little pillow to enjoy!

Tea cup pin cushion . . . tutorial-ish.

I’ve come across cute little tea cup pin cushions and today I remembered I had 2 special tea cups wrapped in bubble wrap hidden away in a cupboard because I had no where to display them.  They were my Great Grandmother’s and they were passed onto me when my Grandfather died about 2 years ago.  So I decided to go about creating a tea cup pin cushion.  It’s not that tricky, or a fine science or anything, but here’s how I did it.

I chose some vintage-y looking fabric I had lying around.

I needed to cut the fabric into a circle, had no clue about what size to I just got something round.  I placed the saucer on the fabric and traced a little bit from the edge and cut the circle out.

Then I grabbed some stuffing . . . stuff and guesstimated how much I would need.  It looked like a lot but once it was all squished up it was perfect.  So if you’re trying this, take a little bit more than you think.

Then I did a running stitch around the circle and pulled on the thread to gather the fabric and close up the fabric.

So then you have this little dumpling like bundle.

And voila!

Resolution inspiration.

I really wanted to create some cool wall art, like this for our living room.  But it’s a bit of an involved project that will take time to organize and make so I had a brain wave for a smaller project with the same effect, only it will decorate my cute little new craft area (once I finish organizing it).

How’d I do it?  I just cut 2 circles of fabric, one green and one cute Heidi Grace patterned one and cut them in two pieces.  I though I might make another one later so I wanted some fabric ready.  Then I sewed the patterned fabric to the solid colour piece.  A while back when I needed 1 embroidery hoop I went into Value Village and picked up a back with 5 in it for some insanely low price, like $1.99 and I remember thinking, “But I only need !”  good thing I have many now.  I fit the circle into the hoop with a little cute ribbon covering the seam.

Then I sat down to think of some fun little words I could pencil onto the green that would be inspiring and motivating.  I penciled them onto the fabric, grabbed some floss I thought would go nicely and sat down to make it prettier.  I went a little free form on the leaves and heart *shrug*.  Then I added a few buttons in colours from the patterned fabric and voila!  Now I just have to get downstairs and set up the other table I picked up on Tueday night so I can begin the great craft space organization of 2010.

What was doing the night before our flight to England?

Making this!!

I wanted to try to make a messenger bag and I’ve been holding onto this super cute Heidi Grace fabric for a while and was happy to finally use it.

I added the little green heart just for fun.  The inside is just a cute swirly orange fabric I found somewhere. I’ve been reluctant to use the fabric since I had to get it on one of my road trips to Joann’s, and those don’t happen as often as I like!  If anyone from Joann’s is reading this, please build some stores in Canada!  I beg you.

I’d still like to make the strap adjustable but I was being impatient and wanted to take the bag on the plane with me.

Juice pouch jackpot! Or however you say that in German.

Here’s my stash of juice pouches from the trip! Not sure why they’re in German since we were in Spain . . .

I can’t wait to make myself a little bag that, hopefully, no one around here will have!