Well now that I’ve been back into my jobs as Mommy and teacher I have time to write about my weekend away from all that! We drove down south of the border to spend a fun filled day at Darien Lake, eat at Olive Garden and shop before driving back home. I was a bit surprised at Darien Lake, I thought it’d be bigger. The only amusement park I’ve ever been to is Canada’s Wonderland and I guess because I’ve been going since I was about 7 it seems old to me. But now I think it’s pretty darn awesome and those of us lucky enough to live near it shouldn’t complain!
I absolutely love rides and before I carry on about my weekend I have to blab about the Behemoth at Wonderland. Go here, check out the size of it, click the video part and ride the one as if you’re on the coaster. The first drop is a 75 degree drop, we were in the front car, as you go over the top you can’t see the track below it’s that steep, it’s crazy!
Anyhow back to the weekend. So we rode most of the rides at Darien lake, some were closed. The Twister was crazy fun!It doesn’t look like much but it spins like crazy and all random, you don’t know what’s coming at all, it’s great. I didn’t have reception on my iphone once we crossed the border so I left it in the hotel room not thinking we might have wanted the camera and video taking abilities. A video of us on this would have been great.

The Motorcoaster was also a blast! Again, it looks tiny and innocent compared to sprawling coasters but it was great. You also get to sit on little motorcycle thinigies and after you get on it pulls around the corner to sit at a red light and wait for the green go and then it shoots you flying around the ride, it’s amazing!
Ok so onto my shopping! Of course I hit Jo-Ann’s and grabbed some fun fabric.

Got more of this zoo print because I love it. I bought 3 yards with no real plan in mind. I’ll use it to revamp Nate’s room once we move the toddler bed in and ditch the crib. The flannel on the right is for a rag quilt for his bed.

Every time I make a rag quilt Wesley asks where his is so I got some Cars flannel to start making him his own rag quilt.

Found this nice corduroy print, it’s a nice rich chocolate brown colour. There was only a bit left on the bolt so I grabbed it all, just under 2 yards. I’m sure a bag of some sort will come of it.
Ok now that it’s getting late I shall wander down to my machine and get to work until I’m too sleepy.