Category Archives: sewing

Like I need another craft book!

I have a bunch already, and I’ve promised myself to make projects from each over the course of this year.  So really I shouldn’t be getting more.  Buuuut some money in my online account thanks to gift cards and a coupon and things on my wishlist that are now published . . . well it all added up to placing an order.  In the end I only paid $20 for 3 books, not a bad deal at all.  Click images for the blogs of these creative ladies.

They should be here for March 9th at the latest, so says the confirmation email.  Just in time for March break when I have all those days off!

DIY Scrapbusting eye pillow project.

Now that everyone has their lovely scrap swap bits I figured it was time to start sharing some scrapbusting ideas.  I made these fun little eye pillows over the weekend.  For one I used my pre-swap scraps that are all cut into 2 x 2 pieces.  For the other I pieced together 5 2 x 4 pieces.  Either way the math is the same and the finished pillows are the same size, perfect for laying across your eyes and having a quiet moment to yourself.

Here’s what you need.  I suppose you could use some other smelly scent but I like lavender and so I just broke open this drawer smelly thing I had and used the bits from inside.

I joined the pieces together and then cut a piece of batting for the back and did some accent quilting.  Then I cut a piece of my nice soft natural cotton for the back.  With right sided together I zipped around and left a little opening to pour in the filling.

I fashioned a little funnel out of paper and poured in flaxseed and lavender until the pillow was full but still floppy enough to curve nicely over my nose.  The last step is sewing up the opening, and voila you have a relaxation aid!

I created a Flickr group where you can post things you’ve made with odds and ends of fabric.  If you make something using one of my tutorials I’d love to see it there.

Whoooo’s bag?

I got an awesome gift the other day. My friend Joanna came over to bring me a surprise. Apparently she’s been working on it for months and months.

It’s all awesomely crocheted and lined with fabric. The little wing circles on the sides are pockets. It’s absolutely incredible quality, she did an amazing job.

Scrap swap goodies

My giant envelope of Scrap Swap goodies came earlier this week. We sort of accidentally conducted a little experiment too since Jessica and I mailed our packages on the same day. Mine got to her waaay before hers arrived here. So apparently Canada to US is faster than US to Canada. I’ll have to test again with the next scrap swap!

So here’s all the fantastic goodies Jessica sent. Complete with a moose, you know because I’m Canadian.

Fabric, fabric, fabric! Turns out destashing is almost as addictive as the stashing.

Little doilies, which are awesome because I’ve wanted to either learn to make them in funky colours, or collect some and dye them. She also sent these fantastic vintage buttons that belonged to her grandmother, such a nice thing to give.

And a ton of corks that I can get inventive with. Her hubby is a bartender so she said they’re buried in corks.

Ashley Ann hauled in this fun load of stuff. Jessica made an adorable stuffed animal with the bits and pieces I sent her.

I am going to organize another one of these, it was super fun and getting a giant package in the mail is awesome.
Perhaps in March, sort of a spring cleaning type thing!

Marisa works a miracle again!

Remember that unfinished dress I found in a bag of fabric? The shimmery green thing I packed up and sent off to the ever so creative Marisa at New Dress a Day? Well she got around to revamping it.

Head on over to see what she did.

My creative weekend in pictures.

Friday night I made this after Wesley went to bed and I had the urge to create a LEGO town for him. So while we watched some mindless shows I constructed on the coffee table. I only took a crummy nighttime iPhone picture and it was night, so I waited for Mr. Sun.

Saturday morning we moved it up to his room on the train table so he could expand it. I had to charge the camera battery before I could snap some up close shots. When I went up to snap some pics later in the day it appears Natezilla had destroyed the town when we weren’t looking. I was sad. There was some rebuilding but my heart wasn’t really into it after seeing all the destruction. Here are some shots of the parts I was pretty proud of.

Saturday Nate found Baby Jobby and played with her all day (except when she was napping and he destroyed a whole town). I bought Baby Jobby while pregnant with Nate because Wesley was asking for a doll. Nate found her neglected and naked in some corner. So I spent some time sewing up some diapers and a dress. Then we went out to buy another baby, there had been a feud, but came home instead with a bed for Baby after Wesley assured me they could share 1 baby and take turns.

I love how there’s a bunch of cars in the crib with Baby Jobby.

Oh and somewhere in all that we made heart shaped crayons for Wesley to give to his classmates. Thanks to Frugal Family Fun Blog for the tips on making them.

Well I have some cup cozy orders to finish thanks to my playful procrastination over the weekend!

Pattern tested!

Well guess that titles gives it all away . . . I tested a pattern.

I signed up on I Think Sew and then when I was contacted the lovely Sue asked me if I’d make . . . . A TOTE BAG!!!  Yipee!!

I used the vintage fabric that Keyka Lou mentioned, I have a problem buying the cute fabrics she mentions.  For the lining I just grabbed something from my stash.  There’s a little metal clasp on the inside and it’s a really nice big roomy bag.  I’ve been using it since.

I also own this fun pattern and have been carrying around the PDF on my ipad searching for just the right fabric.

Swap buddies buddied

Using the very high tech system of writing names on pieces of paper and picking them out 2 by 2 I assigned partners.  You should have an email from me to you and your swap buddy.  Please email your partner at the email I’ve used and give them a mailing address for your goodies.  Let me know if you didn’t get an email, or if there’s a problem.
Kait & Erin S
Janee &  Wendy
Janet & Ashley Ann
The Mama & Grace
Andrea & Amber
Jessica & Tara
Wendy is in here two times, since she said she’d play twice.  She’s so awesome.  Some of you mentioned throwing bits of other things in your package and that’s totally cool but please make sure you have at least 10 oz of usable fabric bits and pieces.
I’m going to be posting project ideas to use these, and other scraps, as well as links to scrap busting ideas.

Scrap Swap anyone?

If you’ve been sewing for any amount of time you’ve already noticed how quickly scraps can accumulate.  If you’re anything like me, afraid to throw any little bit out in case you can use it later, you have a bunch lying around of various shapes and sizes.  Soooooooo I thought why not share the scrap love and do a little scrap swapping!?

Recently I went through my scraps and sort of organzed them into little piles.  I’ve been saving 4×4 inch japanese fabric scraps, well and to be honest I’ve ordered some from Etsy here and there, in hopes I can make a fun quilt some day.  I also spent some time cutting my scraps into 2×2 squares for some projects I have in mind.  I plan on featuring some fun tutorials to help you make use of your scraps, as well as link to some of the ideas already out there and maybe,  just maybe, a source of two in case you have a little scrap collecting problem like someone I know.

If you would like to participate just sign up here, I’ll keep taking names until Wednesday January 26th.  Then I’ll spend some time matching us all up while you prepare your bundle.  Make sure your correct email is in the comment, or enter it with your name when you say you want in.  Also, it might be fun to know where you live so we can mix things up a bit.  Probably won’t be too exciting if someone is matched with an almost neighbour, just in case you shop at the same fabric store!  Be ready to commit to shipping your scrap bundle by the end of the month, we’ll go with the 31st just to make it easy.  This will be open to everyone everywhere so please let me know if you object to international shipping and I’ll match you with someone in your country.

Ok, so the guidlines:

– scraps must measure at least 2 inches by 2 inches, there is no maximum size but it is supposed to help you destash your scrap bin so sending fat quarters probably won’t help with that.

– scraps must be unwashed, clean, and in usable condition

– scraps can be new fabric or vintage reclaimed pieces

– fabrics should be of relatively the same weight, cottons/linens/light canvas so allow for quilting and use in the same project

– send 10-ish ounces to your partner mailed by January 31st

DIY – Adding a zippered pocket while lining your tote!

Ok, welcome those of you who are feeling adventurous!  Here’s my little part 2 on lining a tote where I’ll walk you through the steps to adding a zippered pocket to the lining.

I cracked open my Bag Making Bible for this part and followed the instructions for inserting a zipper.  Lisa Lam explains very well,  I’ll give you enough information, hopefully, to tackle it yourself.  I used the panel of fabric I cut off the bottom to make my pocket.  I just folded it in half and cut it to have 2 squares to use for the pocket.

Decide how big you want your pocket and cut 2 pieces of fabric to that size, allowing for a 1/4 inch seam.  The zipper should be placed with about 3 inches on either side of the pocket pieces.  I didn’t know this, but you can just cut off the end of the zipper if you need to shorten it.

Place one of the pocket pieces right sides together on the lining piece where you want to have a pocket.  Trace out a rectangle the same size as your zipper.  Mark a line down the middle and those cute little triangles at the ends.

Sew along the outside of the rectangle, this will sew the pocket piece to the lining piece.

Cut along the guide lines you drew inside the rectangle, the half way line and the little triangles.

Next turn the pocket piece through the hole, as Lisa says “like you’re putting a letter in the post”.  Press to get a nice crisp seam.  Lay your zipper on the wrong side of the pocket.  The book suggested using double sided tape stuff to secure it, I don’t have that and just pinned it.  Use your zipper foot to sew along and stitch the zipper in place.

Lay the lining piece right side down and place the other pocket piece, right sides together, on top of the pocket piece with the zipper in it.    Sew around all four sides with a 1/4 inch seam.  This will stitch both pocket pieces to the lining fabric.

Flip it over and access the pocket through the zipper!  Voila!

Now head back to post part #1 to finish lining your tote.