Category Archives: sewing

Crafts for my boys.

Last week I pulled some late-nighters finishing some things for the boys.  I finally got to making them rag quilts. Nate’s is all Lightening McQueen fabrics and Wesley’s is this funky loud pirate print. Hrm, guess there should be a photo here. Too lazy right now.

I also made them some cute little bunnies using this pattern.  I haven’t been able to take pictures of the ones I created yet because they’re hiding in the basement until Easter.

Aaaannnd I made Nate this cute little backpack using Made by Rae‘s pattern. Because I can never just make a pattern the way it’s written I had to get a little more complicated and I added some fleece to the inside to give the bag some more stability.  I used a cotton print so it was pretty flimsy, she recommends a heavier fabric, I didn’t listen. I added a little pocket to the outside too, for change or his library card, I don’t know it’s just a fun detail.

I’ve also been trying to use what I have on hand and not buy more stuff.  So instead of piping I used bias tape and positioned it just so.  I love how it turned out.  Nate loves to leave with a backpack when I walk them across the street to the sitters.  Guess he wants to be like his  goes-to-school big brother!

Funny Haha

Sometimes I’m silly. Like when I thought up, made and photographed these.

I’m ridiculously tired right now but I’ll be adding these to my shop in the morning.
I’m a nut.

Spoiler alert reminder!

Remember my swapping friends to make sure your package is mailed out by today!


Here’s a peek of something I sent out.  Don’t worry I have 2 partners so it’s still a mystery where this one is headed!  I’m sneaky like that.  Please share what you get/make.  I’ll post some scrap busting ideas in the next little bit to give you some ideas of what to make with all your new fun fabric bits.

Vintage haul.

My neighbour is selling her house. It’s sad. We like her. Plus she has a pool and she lets me and the kids use it all summer during the day while she’s at work.

She was doing some big purging a while back and invited me over to go through some fabric and crafty supplies to see what I wanted. I just tossed things into a bag and didn’t really look at it for a while. Last week I dumped it all out on the kitchen table and sorted through it.

There’s still the big pile of fabric that I have to go through. I’m pretty sure (barring needing something for a gift) that I’m on a fabric buying ban. I’ve got way to much lying around and I need to actually CUT and USE it. Both options make me gasp. Yeah, I know, all this says the girl organizing fabric scrap swaps . . .

Scrap Swap Buddies!

Well I was going to take a cute video and have my kids run into the room each with a name in hand and match us all up in a fun and silly way.  But Nate’s been sick all day and went to bed at about 6:30 looking very exhausted and hubby put Wesley to bed about a half hour ago.  Ooops.

Soooooo using the very high tech system I used last time I have written our names on tiny slips of paper and pulled them out in pairs at random to match us up!

Kristy S & bonitarose

SewSare & Virginia

Sara & Barb

Victoria Paige & Tara

Tara & Ali

Annabel & Leela

Cassidy & Anita

Lorna & Jennifer

Lauren & Earl-Leigh

There was a name left over so I’m very sad to say I think I’ll play twice.

So go ahead and chat with each other, maybe give a few details that might help make a package for you, if you have a son/daughter, certain project on the go or anything else.  Make sure there’s 10 ounces of fabric and anything else you want to toss in is just bonus.  Have fun and make sure to post your goodies in the flickr pool I want to see what everyone gets!

Another scrap swap, who’s in!?

Sure it’s only been a month since I recieved my lovely package of fantastic fabric scraps and surprises in the mail but I can’t wait any longer, I want to do it again!  So who’s with me?

Sign up here, I’ll take names until Wednesday March 16th .  Leave your name and some contact information and I’ll pair us all up. Be ready to commit to shipping your scrap bundle by the end of the month at the latest.  This will be open to everyone everywhere so please let me know if you object to international shipping and I’ll match you with someone in your country.  Last time we confirmed shipping works in mysterious ways (something I’ve learned running my shop) so if you’re shipping across a border keep in mind it might take a bit.

Ok, so:

– scraps must measure at least 2 inches by 2 inches, there is no maximum size but it is supposed to help you destash your scrap bin so sending fat quarters probably won’t help with that.

– scraps must be clean, and in usable condition

– scraps can be new fabric or vintage reclaimed pieces

– fabrics should be of relatively the same weight, cottons/linens/light canvas so allow for quilting and use in the same project

– send 10-ish ounces to your partner mailed by March 31st

Feel free to add some other goodies or random items if you wish.  Check out blogs or shops to get to know your partner, send an email and be friends, most importantly have fun!



Finding uses for all the pretty Japanese ribbon I’ve got.

I whipped up some more  tea and sweetner cozies over the past little bit.  I’ve still got a few sitting here waiting for finishing touches and a photo shoot.  Also still need to list these.

Add pretty ribbon to my growing list of new addictions.

Pattern weight thingies. Or just fun cubes to toss around.

I stumbled across Zaaberry and found this neat little tutorial on making little weights to hold down your patterns while you trace and cut.  Bye bye pins.  Luckily I had previously cut a bunch of my scraps into little squares so they were perfect for this project.  It’s a really simple project, just sew squares of fabric together, fill them up  with someone that has a bit of weight to it and sew them shut.  I filled mine with some flax left over from my eye pillow making.  There’s even some lavender bits in there too I think.




Scrapbusting strikes again. This time in the form of mug rugs.

I did it again!  I’m in love with the scraps from my swap.  Not only are they nothing like I have in my own stash but they’re so bright and colourful and beautiful.  I know I’ve said it a bunch but thanks Jessica!

I made some mug rugs.  I love tea and, sadly, I’m pretty fond of cookies and other baked goods.  Now I have a way to enjoy them that looks absolutely fantastic.  Those cookies are from a recipes Deceptively Delicious by the way, they’ve got chickpeas in them and they’re amazing.
I quilted various bits together to create a 7 x 10 1/2 inch matt.  Then I sandwiched some batting between the colourful top piece and a plain linen cotton on the back.  This is the first time I’ve actually quilted something so I kept it simple and just did lines.  I used the edge of my machines foot to keep me in track.  I chose a yellowy thread, it’s sort of a mustard colour.  I love the results.
I was going to get brave and make my own bias tape for the first time but I decided against it.  I haven’t really used bias tape much and so I wanted to keep it simple.  Sadly it wasn’t simple at all!  I had a tough time lining it all up, I double stitched it to echo the quilting of the matt.  If you look closely the edges are a bit wonky but oh well.  If you come to my house and I put a nice hot tea and a yummy treat served on a beautiful mug rug and you mention the wonky edges I’m taking it all away.  You’ve been warned.


Making my own awesome camera/laptop bag.

I really, really, really wanted a JoTotes camera bag.  Pretty sure I’ve said that a few times.  I was being good and saving for the lovely tangerine one but then disaster struck and when I went to actually purchase it they were all sold out. I sent an email and learned they aren’t making that colour again. They’re very sold out, often.

So I implemented a back up plan. I searched on Etsy for vintage bags and narrowed it down to the local shops hoping to skip expensive shipping charges and organize a pick up. I found an awesome bag at this shop. They’ve got fantastic prices, some vintage luggage left, and if you’re in Canada too the shipping is reasonable.

Now I’m working on lining and padding it so I can toss my camera, ipad or lappy. I’m also working on learning photoshop so pardon me while I experiment!