I’m trying really hard to think of my self as a rockstar everyday but sometimes that doesn’t go so well. But today!? Today I nailed being a rockstar right out of the park!

I made tangerine sugar body scrub. More on that later.

I made beef, chicken AND turkey stock. All for the first time. Which also accomplished clearing out a large portion of the freezer.
I baked a banana bread. That’s not very epic, I do that often. It too clears out my freezer from the pile of frozen bananas that start to take over.

I made candles from all the odds and ends and extra candle stuff I had lying around, more details on that later too.
I cooked a eye of round roast. First time ever I’ve cooked a roast. I even made gravy for it in the last moments because inspiration struck.

I did my pilates DVD while the roast was roasting. My son Wesley, is addicted to Lego Star Wars on the wii. When I said I was going to do my DVD he got all panicked and asked how!? (we only have 1 TV). I loaded it onto my iPad, after some fussing around with my laptop some ripping and file converting, and went up to my room and did it there.
I also fed my children, took them swimming, guggled them while watching Dr Horrible on the couch with a blankie, and tucked them lovingly into bed.
Now I’m off to finish this tote!

Told you, nailed it.