Category Archives: fun finds

Yes, yes, yes another vintage bag.

I’ve had my eye on this bag for a while and I finally just caved and bought it.  I’m sooo glad I did.  I thought it was going to be the same as a red one but it’s waaay better.  It’s larger and has 2 outside pockets!  The colour is awesome too.  Did I mention it came with the keys!?!  Super cool.

Can’t wait to get using it once the weather warms up and I can be more fashionable than my puffy white marshmallow winter coat!

Cute handmade buttons

I bought these the other day.  They’re really cute.  The shop is called From the Red Kitchen and the buttons are lovely.


She’s also got some other fun goodies, including bias tape that I’m working really hard to not buy.  I’ll add learn to make bias tape to my list.

Vintage find and redo.

After about a year of communicating I finally met up with fellow crafty chick Cristina of Craftee on Friday night. We went for some yummy food and wandered around to some creative stores. She spotted this little teeny tiny ironing board at the thrift store and I thought it would be perfect for when I use my little teeny tiny mini iron to put my labels on. It was covered in a icky fabric so I decided to recover it.

It was just a piece of wood with batting and fabric stapled on it so I went with that design and put my own batting and material on it.

I chose a fun Japanese canvasy type fabric since it’s a little thicker than just a quilting cotton.

Now ironing on my labels won’t seem so work like with these cute little bunnies looking up at me!

Interwebs dominoes

Sooooo I’ve been hanging out late at night on Twitter while I work away and Thursday is *always* there.  She mentioned The Vintage Cabin, so of course off I went to Etsy to see the shop.  Then I bought something. . . s.

In my poking around I ended up at the Vintage Cabin Blog (which is hillarious and local so I love it).  In one of her posts she mentioned a shop in Toronto, SMASH that seems super awesome, but has wacky hours *sigh*


She mentioned her love of industrial inspired stuff and said Three Potato Four was a favourite, so then there I was on that site.


Vintage Cabin was also featured in N.E.E.T magazine, which is awesome and full of all sorts of cool stuff.  I can’t even link all the neat things I found in there, just go check it out for yourself and you too will be playing Interwebs Dominoes.  Yeah, I’m making up a new term.


Another scrap swap, who’s in!?

Sure it’s only been a month since I recieved my lovely package of fantastic fabric scraps and surprises in the mail but I can’t wait any longer, I want to do it again!  So who’s with me?

Sign up here, I’ll take names until Wednesday March 16th .  Leave your name and some contact information and I’ll pair us all up. Be ready to commit to shipping your scrap bundle by the end of the month at the latest.  This will be open to everyone everywhere so please let me know if you object to international shipping and I’ll match you with someone in your country.  Last time we confirmed shipping works in mysterious ways (something I’ve learned running my shop) so if you’re shipping across a border keep in mind it might take a bit.

Ok, so:

– scraps must measure at least 2 inches by 2 inches, there is no maximum size but it is supposed to help you destash your scrap bin so sending fat quarters probably won’t help with that.

– scraps must be clean, and in usable condition

– scraps can be new fabric or vintage reclaimed pieces

– fabrics should be of relatively the same weight, cottons/linens/light canvas so allow for quilting and use in the same project

– send 10-ish ounces to your partner mailed by March 31st

Feel free to add some other goodies or random items if you wish.  Check out blogs or shops to get to know your partner, send an email and be friends, most importantly have fun!



Finding uses for all the pretty Japanese ribbon I’ve got.

I whipped up some more  tea and sweetner cozies over the past little bit.  I’ve still got a few sitting here waiting for finishing touches and a photo shoot.  Also still need to list these.

Add pretty ribbon to my growing list of new addictions.

Vintage bag plan

So I found some fabric to line the inside of my awesome vintage bright red bag and make it camera and laptop ready.  I think it’s actually some sort of kid farm print but it matches great and I love the faux bois look.  I was also going to decorate it with some fun sort of design.  Being too afraid to do anything permanent I wondered if my Cricut peel and stick vinyl would work.  I sketched and cut out a cute little squirel but it didn’t seem like it would stand up to usage.  The vinyl stuck well but if I tried to use the pocket or moved that area too much bumps appeared in the vinyl.

So for now I put it on my train case since that’s a harder surface.  That’s also where I’m storing all my great vintage linen bits and pieces.  I’ve also found some trim and bias tape here and there so it’s there as well.

The expanding collection.  There’s more in my other vintage suitcase too.


Fun Find.

Found this shop on Etsy yesterday. I’ve become a little addicted to checking the front page and I usually refrain from peeking at the ‘recently listed’ items at the bottom but I happened to scroll down and glimpses these cute items.


How awesome are these banners?!


It’s one of those, ‘good thing I don’t have daughters’ moments.

Click images to be transported to the shop and more wall art cuteness.

Making my own awesome camera/laptop bag.

I really, really, really wanted a JoTotes camera bag.  Pretty sure I’ve said that a few times.  I was being good and saving for the lovely tangerine one but then disaster struck and when I went to actually purchase it they were all sold out. I sent an email and learned they aren’t making that colour again. They’re very sold out, often.

So I implemented a back up plan. I searched on Etsy for vintage bags and narrowed it down to the local shops hoping to skip expensive shipping charges and organize a pick up. I found an awesome bag at this shop. They’ve got fantastic prices, some vintage luggage left, and if you’re in Canada too the shipping is reasonable.

Now I’m working on lining and padding it so I can toss my camera, ipad or lappy. I’m also working on learning photoshop so pardon me while I experiment!

Like I need another craft book!

I have a bunch already, and I’ve promised myself to make projects from each over the course of this year.  So really I shouldn’t be getting more.  Buuuut some money in my online account thanks to gift cards and a coupon and things on my wishlist that are now published . . . well it all added up to placing an order.  In the end I only paid $20 for 3 books, not a bad deal at all.  Click images for the blogs of these creative ladies.

They should be here for March 9th at the latest, so says the confirmation email.  Just in time for March break when I have all those days off!