Author Archives: SewTara

Working out with kids in tow.

Now that I’ve lost over 50 pounds I figured I should start exercising. I’ve been on this mission for 16 months now and have yet to step foot into the gym, despite having a membership, despite living a 5 minute walk from the community center . . . yeah yeah yeah. Historically the obstacle to me getting to the gym has been the little ones. I’ve decided to stop using that excuse.

Last June I was counting the days to summer holidays because the community centre had child care during the day and I was planning on leaving the kids to play while I went upstairs to work out. Conveniently they cancelled it at the end of June. And while I can use all of the city gyms, this one right here was the only one with a childcare program. So I’m getting inventive in how I can work this with children in tow.

I downloaded the Couch to 5K app. Saturday I lugged the kids out of the house and took them around the block and up and down the street while I completed the 30 minute program. It was a semi success. We discovered someone must have stolen Nate’s new-to-him-at-Easter scooter from our front lawn so he had his old wobbily wheeled one. That meant that when Wesley and I would run for 60 seconds Nate would launch into tears at how far ahead we were getting, and rather than haul it to catch up he’d get off his scooter and cry. Oh to be 4 years old. *That* meant Wesley and i would spend the 90 seconds walking back to him so we’d all be together.

Sunday we walked over to the park, which was my warm up, then I ran circles around the play structure, nearby trees, the tennis court, whatever to complete the program. Other than me looking a bit silly this was more of a success.

Today was my afternoon off from school so I just ran right before the kids would be home from school. It was a nice time except for this crazy little black bugs that fill the air around the lake near my house at this time of year.

Tomorrow I might try running in the gym, just to change things up a bit, but we’ll see.

Forray into lino carving.

I’ve played around with stamp carving before, a few years ago when I started this whole crafty blog thing. Recently I carved a big stamp to try something different for a cup cozy design.

On the weekend I attended a workshop run by Uniiverse on lino cutting. It was run by Etsy shop. He was really nice and while I’m sure I could have figured this out myself since I’m crafty like that it was great to have him there to ask questions and be a guide.

I fell in love with these feather wall decals a little while ago and want to cover my bedroom wall with them. However, that could get expensive. I debating cutting them out of fabric myself but I don’t think I’ll get nice clean lines or prevent fraying. So when the workshop came up I decided I would carve a feather and then I can use it to stamp onto my wall.

I’m happy with how it turned out, the fine lines show up and everything. The tricky bit will be to do it properly on the wall. It’s easy to toss away a ruined piece of paper! I also think this is how I’ll be making my Christmas cards this year. As if I didn’t have enough crafts on my plate now I’ve stumbled into a new one I like.

Spring-ish cleaning not made by me giveaway!

Again, in the spirit of cleaning up my crafty space I’d like to share some fun supplies with one lucky winner.

I’ve collected things from swaps and people giving me stuff and craft shows and well, all over the place really and now I need to share the love!

Leave a comment below with a way to contact you and I’ll pick a lucky winner on Tuesday April 30th. For a bonus entry tweet or share on Facebook or somewhere and leave a comment letting me know you did. Good luck!

Creating and my voice.

While at the Handmade show on Saturday selling with some fellow T.E.S.T members I traded the lovely Christine for one of her inspirational printed tea towels.

It’s similar to this one in her shop, same saying, just different towel.

Then Sunday I was feeling really down and a good friend from work, who’s very wise and has overcome things in her life to become this beautiful person who I adore, texted to see how I was doing. When I mentioned I was still a bit down she suggested I “go create something out of the pain and turn it into something beautiful for all to gain”.

I told her I couldn’t. While I Tweet or Facebook statuses about heading to the sewing machine, or sitting down to craft often, the truth is I very rarely do these days. I go to the basement to put a load of laundry on and I’ll turn on the lights at my craft space, pull the machine forward, even layout some fabrics, and then I proceed to just walk on by it all for the rest of the day until I admit defeat and shut the lights off at the end of the day.

She texted back “You’ve muted your voice. Give it sound again. Ask the angels to help you find your voice again”. I texted back with a picture of the towel and how I had gotten it the day before.

The funny thing was Christine said I had inquired about this towel in our Etsy convos about working out a trade but then at the show she pointed out I was changing my mind but maybe that was because the “sing your song” one was speaking to me and I should go with it.

I’ve met some amazing people lately. I’m so glad I have.

Spring-ish cleaning giveaway!

So I was doing some organizing and cleaning up in my crafty space and I realize I have just too many creations. Things I’ve tried, things I’ve made 1 of . . . they’re just piling up and taking up space.

Instead of letting that happen I’d like to make someone a nice big package of handmade happy mail and ship it off to you!

If you’re interested in some surprise fun stuff from me leave a way to contact you below and I’ll get stuffing that envelope. For a bonus entry tell me something you did to Spring Clean recently.

I’ll take names until Tuesday April 23rd and then I’ll get shipping.

Wisdom from the DR

Ever notice when you’re going through something in your life songs and movies and quotes speak to you in certain ways? A song you’ve listened to forever might suddenly take on new meaning. Or you have that weird thing where *every* song seems to be speaking to you about your situation.

So yeah, while embroidering and watching Dr Who this quote struck me.

Take that shadow, I’m running with my something precious and I’m going to make it.

The doctor also said “I don’t know the future. I just work there” on the last episode. I’m still chuckling over that one.

Yes, I’m a dork.


As part of my person growth I’ve undertaken lately, a new craft you might say, I downloaded this fun little app.

It’s really fun to look at and cute to look at. There’s a reminder setting and each day it will pop up and ask you “What are you grateful for?”. I’m not sure how long your list can be but I chose to start with listing 5 items just to get into the habit.

It also puts a little heart on the calendar each time you remember to be grateful. I was on a big run in February, then I was hit with a plague and out of commission for days, it was all a blur and I missed being grateful I guess!

Anyhow, thought I’d share, sometimes little things can make all the difference, this along with art journaling, reflecting, yoga and counselling are helping me be a better Tara. Keep posted!

Catching up.

Spent the weekend catching up on orders and stock piling cozies for upcoming shows.

I think it was pretty productive!

Art journalling

I’ve been doing some doodles in my sketchbook.

I’m only just starting out but I thought it might help to do some of the things I’m working through in a more creative way than just making lists and notes.

Still adding to this page, realized I didn’t put anything about looks, other then weight loss related words. I photocopied a Japanese craft book page for the “I AM” part.

Pretty Inspiration

I found this Etsy shop recently and I love the sketchy designs.

I also started following Pam’s blog and other stalkable social media things, she’s a rather creative lady and I love her work.

I picked up a pile of colours that I thought were pretty and while I love the open endedness of the project it’s also a bit daunting to just have to ‘wing it’. Getting it all organized since it’s a good portable craft and then I’ll start madly stitching.