Day 9 of recovery

So this has been me for a while, 9 days to be exact.

I had the hardware removed out of my ankle on March 28th. It wasn’t quite as advertised. The surgeon told me I could walk out of the surgery and it hasn’t been quite that easy. I did take 2 steps that day but mostly used my crutches. I ditched them in the morning and I’d been hobbling about since.

It was foot up for 48-72 hours so that was fun. Lots of portable crafting.

I was supposed to go back to work Monday, but then because the pain was bad I thought Tuesday. But THEN because of the nature of my classroom I’m going to extend it yet again and go back Monday. I think I’ll be ok then, except I’ll have to wear slippers because putting a shoe on moves and squishes the bandages and only my slippers seem to be ok.

Next Wednesday they’ll take out the staples and unwrap it so I should be good for footwear Thursday and hey, it’s a short week with the long weekend coming. In the meantime I’m getting loads of things finished and created!


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