A little while ago, Easy Canvas Prints contacted me and asked if I’d like to review a product. I choose to go with a picture canvas. I uploaded this Instagram picture of Nate, it’s one of my favs. At first I was worried that the resolution or size would be wrong and the site would yell at me but all went well and I love the finished product!
It’s an 8 inch x 8 inch canvas and it’s going to make a really great keepsake of his first year at soccer. It’s a great size and goes great on the wall or just on a table top.
You can choose the colour on the edges of the canvas, or to have it mirrored from the front image. I choose that method and because of the effect (It’s Walden, X-Pro II, or Hefe, I can’t remember) and the black border and it turned out really well. My hubby said it looked ‘grainy’ but I explained that’s because of the Instagram filter and also the textured canvas. I love how it turned out!
It came packaged really well, I was a bit worried since it was traveling all the way up here from the US but all was well. I suppose I’ll need to order another one so Wesley can get some canvas love too!
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