I love my mom, but she made me an ugly prom dress. She worked really hard on it, it’s well made but it’s also a hideous colour and fabric. I don’t know if she was trying to save money but I hope that fabric was the last little bit left in the bottom of some crazy sale bin so no one else had to wear something made out of it!

one step in, sequins sewn on
So I’m not sure why I even have it around anymore, I remembered it was stuffed in a box, yes since 1994! My sons and I have some halloween parties to go to so I dragged it out to transform it into a costume. I’m going to be . . . . the tooth fairy!!!

flashy T for toothfairy
Since the dress was here it’s been a pretty cheap project – sequins $1, tule $2.49 (-25% thanks to my fabricland card), magic wand $1.50, wings $8.98, crown $1.50, and bright pink wig $8.99. Defiantly, will need a finished picture posted!

hem with sequins, tulle and felt applique molars