I’ve actually been feeling creative for a long time now, however, there are 2 little life forms in my house thatkeep me from getting down to my craft room! So while I’ve been waiting to start my blog for a time when I could sew something, for a post fitting of the name, I’ve decided to go ahead and start with something I’ve crafted from a while back.

my fall wreath
I managed to get down to the basement last night and dig out the Halloween decorations. While I was poking around I found a wreath I made last year that I had totally forgotten about. It was quick, easy and best of all super cheap to make. Then today, while getting lost on the internet, I stumbled upon a tutorial advising you to think outside the box when you buy supplies and take a moment to see the potential in what might appear strange or even ugly at first. That’s exactly how this project came to be!

funky, cute little bird nest with eggs
I was browsing at Michael’s and found the floral decorations in a clearance bin. I think I bought about 5 and they came to less than a dollar each. I pulled them all apart down to just their decorations and wire and then fit them to the wreath and twisted the wires craftily in behind the branches. Et voila! For definitely less than $10 (don’t remember what the wreath cost but I’m sure I used one of those handy 40% off coupons) I have a beautiful fall wreath!

the multicoloured ribbons used to hang the wreath